Hi everyone,
Iif you didn’t make Wednesday’s meeting, you missed an interesting and fun time. The subject was sharpening, and four of our members demonstrate four different methods of sharpening.Ed Goldburg, showed us how to sharpen using sandpaper(a.k.a. the scary sharp method). I followed up, demonstrating grinding on a slow speed grinder, 1750 RPM, to create the primary bevel, then following up with water stones to create a secondary bevel and polish the edge. Then Andy DeLorenzo demonstrated his work sharp machine; a very cool, reasonably priced method to get into power sharpening. Finally John Phillips, demonstrated the cream of the crop with this Tormic sharpener. John has purchased just about every attachment available for the machine and we were all impressed at what it would do (something to put on your Christmas list).
We really appreciate the time and effort these members put into there demonstrations.
We also made our first attempt at using the video projector and a camera to zoom in for a close-up look at what was going on. It went pretty well for a first attempt, and we will be improving our vidiography.
• Turner’s meeting-Monday the 13th and then Denny Wetter’s house.
• Shop meet-Monday the 20th at Terry Bair’s house.
• State fair-February 16 and 17th, we need volunteers to man the woodworking booth.Free ticket to helpers.
• Next months meeting is our annual tool auction. It’s time to look around and see what you are not using that someone else might be able to use.
• The tool show(a.k.a. the woodworking show) is March 21-23, help us man our booth, and you will get free tickets.
We’re looking for outside speakers for our meetings, also topics that you would be interested to learn more about. Our members have a world of information that they can share. If you hear of anybody or read about anyone that you think might be interesting please let me know.
I hope to see you at either the turner’s meet our shop meet, ( or both).