Feburary Meeting

The February meeting was our annual tool auction. Auctioneer Denny did his usual outstanding job.


We then had time for Paul Anderson to present a slide show of his miniature  rooms and the model tug boat he made. The detail was incredible! He even showed a video of the boat running with a camera inside so it looked like you were riding along. Lots of fun.

Tug Boat Willy
Tug Boat Willy


  • We have enough people for at least one person man the booth at the state fair in each time slot
  • A survey sheet for how to change the 2×4 contest showed that most members wanted to continue with the old rules, rather than change the wood species or quantity.
  • We are signing up people for our booth at the Woodworkers Show (Tool Show), March 21 -23 Please help, it’s fun
  • There will be a turners meet at Denny’s shop on Monday Feb 17th, 7pm.
  • Next shop Meet will be at Mike Swart’s shop Monday Feb 24th, 7pm
  • Spring picnic will be at the Rothenbach park (same location as last year) on Sunday April 29th, 2×4 contest same time.
  • March meeting speaker will be Johnie Newcomb from the Gulf Coast Carvers Guild.

Show & Tell

John Phillips brought in a picture of the wooden clock he made. After much tinkering he and modification he now has it keeping accurate time. Very cool!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I brought in a small saw horse made with compound angle legs.

Terry Bair showed a basket tray and towel rack he madeOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Fred Damaos had a large block of the scrap Mahogany he had left from the mantel he made. It was 4′ thick and 22′ wide, wow.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Denny brought a cool spiral design segmented bowl he made.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Reuel Detweiler showed two intarsia pieces he made.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Harold Haines brought a couple of delicate goblets he turned.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA



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