Meeting Location
Suncoast Science Center/Faulhaber FAB Lab
4452 S Beneva Road
Sarasota, FL 34233
There were 26 members present and 3 guests. The guests were
Rolf Ebert,Kerry Glenn, Lissa Ledbetter
Andrew Wiles and Greg Shroder were the presenters. Greg told us about the center. “Equipped with state-of-the-art machines and materials, the Faulhaber Fab Lab can be used to fabricate your own inventions with the support of knowledgeable staff. Activities in fab labs range from technological empowerment to peer-to-peer project-based technical training, to local problem-solving, to small-scale high-tech business incubation and to grass-roots research.” The Faulhaber’s donated these machines. There is a 3D printer,
CNC milling and routing machines, metal lathes and mills, embroidery and sewing machines, an electronics lab, and a large format printer. Andrew is there making a boat, using the CNC routing machine to cut the pieces.
His first boat had been made with hand tools. He is part of a Sarasota Meetup group called Suncoast Makers.
Club Business
Turners’ Meet August 18, Denny Wetter’s house
Shop Meet, August 24, John Philips’ house
Next general meeting is September 9, and will be held at Advantage Lumber
Show & Tell
Fred Damianos—bowl
John Philips—vase, bowls
Joe Mathis—fretwork, plaque
Marvin Stoltzfus—baseball
Andrew Wiles—parts of a boat
Sid Mann—mobile base
Thelma Proctor—frog box, handle
Bill Thompson—wine bottle toppers
Larry Simmons—laptop table
Raffle won by
Sid Mann and Steve Kandel