There were 31 members in attendance at the meeting and eight guests (Chris Duvall, Al Taricco, Geoff Geller, John Peasley, M. Dummett, Al Bibbero, Bryan O’Mchaney and Ryan O’Mchaney) for a total of 39 people in attendance.
President John was home recouping from surgery so VP Joe Mannke took over and conducted the meeting.
This evening’s presentation was by Larry Simmons. He demonstrated how to hand cut mortise and tenon joints using hand tools. A few of the tools he used for this project were marking gauge, sharp pencil, small square, mortise chisel, carcass saw, marking knife, clamp, bench chisels and chisel hammer. Using the video to project the image of Larry’s demonstration on the big screen allowed the whole group to see how the mortise and tenon were made.
Business Meeting
A reminder –
- Club DVD library – see Terry Bair if you would like to check out any how-to DVDs.
- Club shirts for sale – see Tony DAlberto
John Philips said we currently have 65 club members.
Upcoming Events
August Demonstration Meet (August 15 at 7:00 p.m.) is at Craig and Mary Lou Spottswood’s house at 611 Harbor Shores, Nokomis, FL. They will share with us home design and furniture making.
August Shop Meet (August 22 at 7:00 p.m.) is at John Philips’ place – 660 Percheron Circle, Nokomis, Florida. (Bring a chair)
We need people to volunteer for Demonstration meets.
Show & Tell
Fred Damianos – bowl
John Philips – Rosewood stairs that he helped a friend make
Joe Mathis – Scrolled clown plaques
Terry Bair – Owl banks
Dennis Daudelin – small bowl
Andy DiLorenzo – blanks that someone can use to make pens
John Peasley – Eagle intarsia
Joe Mannke – Hand carved sign
Auction – A club member donated a cherry kitchen cabinet to be auctioned off. The proceeds, $52, went to the club. There was also some wood that was donated and auctioned off for $22 and $10 respectively.
Next Month’s Meeting – September 14, 2016 at Advantage Lumber