A rocking good time was had at Pat Kerr’s shop.
Our host Pat Kerr has a large professional shop in an industrial park in north Sarasota.
It’s always fun to see the shop that we all wish we had.
How does he reach all that wood? It must be the fork lift or maybe it the little step ladder.
I’ll hold it while you climb!
It’s great fun looking at all those large industrial machines, and wondering how we could them into our shop.
He also has a CNC router that makes cool pictures.
Right now he is making a kitchen for his house out of black walnut.
He gave us a demo of the molding machine he is using to make the stiles and rails for the doors. I made a video of the demo; I’ll email a link to the members.
Pat also does professional finishing. He showed us the spray guns he uses and the two products he likes to spray. Conversion varnish is the toughest finish you can put on wood. The down side is that it hardens in just two days after you have added the catalysis, even in the spray gun. The other finish he uses is a catalyzed lacquer. While not as hard as the conversion varnish it last 6 months after being catalyzed.
I made a video of his spraying demo, and I’ll email a link to members.
By now I’m sure you wish you could have attended, maybe next year.