January 2025 – Theatrical Fab Shop

Monthly Meeting January 2025

Joe Eddy Fairchild told us how he went from being a professional magician to owning a Theatrical Fabrication shop.


Pat set the date for the spring picnic and 2×4 contest for April 6, 2025. There are some tools up for grabs outside, just make a fair donation to the club.

  • Mike Wood said since we were starting with a new 50/50 drawing, the club will seed the prize with $50.
  • There is a nice Kreg pocket hole jig for the raffle prize worth $150.
  • He reminded everyone to pay their dues for the new year.
  • Wood carvers will meet weekly on Wednesday, except the 2nd Wednesday of the month when our whole woodworking club is meeting, in a room that Pat is setting up for them.
  • The turners will meet as usual on the Monday after  our regular monthly Wednesday meeting.

John Darovec is looking for volunteers to fulfill our club’s obligation to man the fine furniture booth at the state fair on Sunday February 9th and , Monday the 10th. There are three- four hour shifts each days. Each worker will get 2 free tickets to the fair. Please let John know ASAP so he will have time to get the tickets.  (Wake up Pat)


Joe Eddie was a full time traveling magician for 34 yrs.

Pick on arrows to see the next slide

His shop
He has a 2000 sqft shop behind his house in Sarasota.
Forgetful Frosty
A kids' trick where Frosty's head disappears and reappears when you say the magic words. He sold 100 of these in two months.
Other props he makes
14 swords spears the box with a woman inside.
Move her head
If you look you can see her hands and feet on the left and her head on the right.
Saw the pretty lady in half
Alladin on Broadway
He worked with another prop company to build the magic props for Alladin
Props for cruise ships
A floating cassette tape
Operation Game
A giant operation game for a cruise ship

Show and Tell

CNC Dragon

John Bailey is making a cabinet with an oriental flavor. Here is a door with a purple heart dragon. It took him a lot of experimenting to get to this point.

Tooth paste tube squeezer

Stan Bockoski had us in stitches as he explained his little project, which he was very proud of, made out of 4 dowels

Noodle Board

Mike Swart make a walnut noodle board to go on top of his sister's induction stove.

Live edge bowl

Pat Kerr make this pretty little bowl from the limb of a butternut tree that fell down next to his house.Pat swears that butternut is actually white walnut.

Segmented Vase

Randy Saffles enjoys doing segmented turnings. This vase is made from purpleheart, yellowheart, Padauk, and ash. In order to reduce the effect of light on the purpleheart, he finished it with a spar varnish which gave it a yellow hue.

Carved Alligators

Jerry Hayes carved these cute little gators and let them swim in the swamp.

Acrylic Paint Pour

John Thiemer showed us several examples of a paint pour. This one was in the bottom of a basket he made.

Pelican walking stick

While on vacation in Tennessee, Richard Valenta found this interesting stick and decided to make a walking stick out of it. He soon found that he couldn't carve it, so he made the pelican head out of bass wood and attached it.

Camphor bowl

Tom Falcone made a large bowl out of camphor wood he got from Pat.

Rosewood Vase

Bill Clark made this from a rosewood tree that came down in Hurricane Milton. It was so heavy it took two people to get it on the lathe. The threaded finial is made from African black wood.

Gilded Examples

Joe Amaral brought in some examples of different types of washes on gilded surfaces.

Drawings and Raffle

Jeff Smith won the Kreg pocket hole jig

John Darovec, Don Allen, and Joe Eddie Fairchild won  door prizes just for showing up.

Keith, a new member,  got his ticket drawn for the 50/50 cash drawing, which was $115.  Since he left early Alvin drew a card for him. It wasn’t the queen of hearts so the money rolls over to next month.

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