There were 29 members present and 1 guest, Tom Zarse.
John Philips was our presenter. He had made a tall box clock out of wood. He explained that there would be 3 ways to make a clock: You can buy a ready made kit and assemble it; you can find an old clock and refurbish it; or you can work from scratch from directions (such as the gear ratios). The kit he purchased was composed of a cord, the few metal parts, templates, 2 DVD’s (which he had to print out, about 160 pages) and the pin router. Even the gears were made by John out of wood. As he made this piece, he corresponded with the designer, Wayne S. to work out the problems. So he drew it, cut it, smoothed it and assembled it, in stages. Thinking he was an experienced participant in the State Fair, the judges awarded John second place. He put about 4 months of work in this. John’s comment: To make a clock, you must have a screw loose.
Club Business
Turners’ Meet November17, Denny Wetter’s house
Shop Meet, Marvin Stoltzfus’ house, November 23
Next general meeting is the Holiday Party, December 9 at Advantage Lumber, 6:00 p.m.
Terry Bair: Wood and Tool Show, March 19-21
John Slezak: Missing in America Project, see photos of celebration
State Fair: another category (guitars)
Show & Tell
Terry Bair—Christmas ornaments
John Philips—urns and turned vase
Fred Damianos—walnut corner shelves, modified
Denny Wetter—walnut bowl
Joe Mathis—intarsia rose and bud