April General Meeting – Compass Rose Inlay (part 2)

There were 34 members in attendance at the meeting and six guests (Bus Maslin, Anita Gary, Harold Berg, Lloyd Shaffer, Brent Meyer, and Andrei Ioroachesay).  Total attendance – 40.

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Our guest speaker was again Ed Goldberg, who completed his presentation on how to make an inlaid Compass Rose.  In this session he demonstrated how to cut the pattern from the substrate.  1. Score the outline. 2. Use a trim router to remove the wood from the central area.  3. Use a router plane to cut along the edges, finishing the points with a fine knife.  Use wood glue, sparingly, and set the inlay in carefully.  Press against a plastic wrapped block of wood until dry (about 2 hours).  Then use a card scraper to remove the veneer tape and sand to satisfaction.  Use a finish of your choice.

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Upcoming Events

                  April Demonstration Meet (April 18 at 7:00 p.m.) is at Terry Bair’s   house.  This is part 2 on scroll sawing.

April Shop Meet (April 25 at 7:00 p.m.) is at Fred Damianos’ house.

Show & Tell

Denny Wetter – 3 turnings from cubes with lids


John Slezak – Cigar display box


Joe Mathis – fretwork (framed grist mill)        IMG_1772

Fred Damianos – four salad bowls

Terry Bair – 2 X 4 table, scrollwork ornaments

Larry Simmons – plane, window mullion

John Philips – basket, 2 X 4 chair
John Philips – basket, 2 X 4 chair
Andy DiLorenzo – 2 X 4 wine and cheese set

Sid Mann – saw, spacing blocks, multi-tool

Reuel Detweiler – eagle intarsia


John Darovec – racing “trophy”
Daryl Walters – pens, pepper mills, fretwork


Marty Cole – charging station for computers etc.
Floyd Yoder – 2 X 4 step stool
Mike Swart – 2X4 treasure chest


Next Month – May 11, 2016  “If I ever do it again …”



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