Ralph Bagnail

from Woodcademy.com

Ralph joined us to show some of the latest cool tools he has come across


Pat opened the meeting by having first timers introduce themselves

  • our first time ever visitor from Tanzania
  • a retired pastor
  • Mike reminded everyone that the 2 by 4 contest and picnic would be held on the following Sunday.
  • Pat welcomed Joe Mankke back after missing a couple of meetings due to illness.

  • John Theimer. explained that he will be helping to find speakers for the meetings. He went to Rockler and spoke to the manager about  being a speaker, and learned that they issue discount cards to club members at the first of the year. If you have an old card, you need to pick up a new one at the drawing table.
  • John appealed to everyone to be thinking about subjects they would like presented and to let him know if you would be willing to present to the club.


Ralph started out by encouraging everyone to enter their best work in the Florida State Fair.

His first tool was a CNC  clamping jig, which should be available from Micro Jig this fall. He then showed us a bearing kit for router bits, a Sorby turning tool that has replaceable HSS tips, a router bit with cutter inserts that can be replaced, a molding head for a table saw, and a diamond plate with magnetic feet from Empower.

The main theme of his talk was the difference between carbide and high speed steel tools


Carbide keeps its edge longer but has to be sharpened with diamond plates. It will get dull quickly if it gets too hot. After using a blade or bit it should be warm but not too hot to touch.


HSS bits dull faster but it can be sharpened easily on a piece of sand paper glued to a flat board. As the name implies, it can withstand higher heat than carbide.

Show and Tell

Bill Clark

Turned a small acorn box with a screw on lid

Greg Casagrande

Greg made 4 small book shelves for his wife

John Thiemer

What kind of lathe do you use to make a triangle bowl?

Steve Sushko

Steve said it took him about two years, on and off, to carve this hand. He also had a carpenters pencil that he carved the head of a German Shepard dog in the lead of the pencil.

Randy Saffles

An adjustable table saw jig for cutting segments all the same length to use in segmented bowl turning.

Tom Falcone

Tom turned an off center bowl using only two chucks. He will be teaching how to do this at the Turners Meet. on 4/15/2024, 7pm.

Our guest, sorry I didnt get his name, made a multi species clip board with  the logo of the organization he works for in Tanzania

Mike Wood

Mike turned this 10 sided segmented bowl out of maple and walnut, that we will be using to hold the tickets for the  50/50 drawing.

Drawings and Door prizes

There were three nice gifts for door prizes: $20 gift certificate from Rockler, a push button safety switch, and Wood Pecker edge ruler. For those who purchased a drawing ticket, they had a chance to win two 24″ parallel clamps. Marvin Stolzfus’s ticket was drawn for the 50/50 cash drawing. Since Marvin wasn’t present, we picked a playing card for him. He got the 10 of clubs, so he wins $10. The $145 grand prize roles over to next week where it will grow even more.

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