Monthly Meeting March 2024
Richard Valenta showed us all the amazing things that it is possible to carve
We had one guest, Bob Jeffery. President Pat had him introduce himself.
Mike Wood explained the bylaw changes. They were voted on and unanimously passed. He also explained where we get our raffle prizes and how the 50/50 cash drawing works. The spring picnic and 2×4 contest is coming up; Mike informed us of the time and location.
Chip Carving
Hand Tools
Richard's first try
Christmas Ornaments
Bird Dog
Santa Mobile
House from Bark
Animal Carving
Bird Carving
Cypress Knee
Wood Burning
Richard believes that a sharp tool is a safe tool. He makes his own knives out of old straight razors he finds.
Show and Tell
Pat Kerr brought in three item to share. The first is a bowl he turned that has a lip of clear epoxy with marbles embedded in it. He won first place at the state fair with it.
The second is a bowl he turned. He liked it so much that he decided to add a top of curly maple he had laying around, and just for kicks he added a finial on top.
The last was a drawing his wife painted. The only thing Pat did was spray a clear top coat on it.
Picture Frame
Jack Hawkins had Jeff Smith carve this picture on CNC. Pat sprayed it and Jack made this frame out of tiger maple
Large turned urn
Bill Clark turned this urn out of a Laurel Oak just hours after the tree was cut down. He turned it thick knowing that it would warp as it dried. He then make the large finial for the top.
Adaptor for vacuum hose
Here is a simple solution for adapting your vacuum hose to different size tools. Use two gator aid bottles heat shrunk onto the tool.
Curly maple serving tray
Larry Simmons made this serving tray from a piece of highly figured maple. The problem is this kind of figuring makes the wood easy to snap off; so fitting the handle to fit the slots exactly without adding any pressure to the sides took a long time.
Router jig for cutting board
Terry Howard used his trim router with this oversized base to cut a grove around this cutting board. It took another person with a shop vac to clear the chips
Bird house support
John Darovic turned this support for a bird house to fit in a piece of PVC pipe in his yard.
Norfolk Island bowl
Tom Falcone got this Norfolk Island bowl just right to catch the tree branches in a perfect star.
Todd Jones, Neil Mc Cullough, and Randy Cooper won door prizes.
Chip Frappier won the drawing for a WoodPecker square.
Chip also got his ticket drawn for the 50/50 cash drawing which was $95. Unfortunately he drew the wrong card so the money rolls over to next month.